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hukum angkasa bahasa Inggris

  • hukum:    decree; lave; law; laws; penalize; illegal;
  • angkasa:    firmament; sky blue; space; the air; the blue
  • hukum ruang angkasa:    space law
  • angkasa:    firmament; sky blue; space; the air; the blue sky; the expanse of heaven; heavens; empyrean; sphere; place; broad; heaven; sky; air; atmosphere; celestial sphere; blank space; welkin; infinite; vaul
  • hukum:    decree; lave; law; laws; penalize; illegal; justice; legal; torah; pentateuch; doom; penalty; order; dogma; law of nature; discipline; tenet; penalise; customs; sentence; revenge; punish; verdict; s
  • hukum as:    law of the united states
  • abad angkasa:    air age
  • agensi angkasa:    space agencies
  • angkasa lepas:    outer space
  • angkasa luar:    outer space; interplanetary space; space
  • angkasa-stub:    space-stub
  • di angkasa:    of the air
  • kabut angkasa:    nebula; messier number
  • kapal angkasa:    airship
  • kendaraan angkasa:    spacecraft